Door-to-door Union-Busters?

Sherry Karcher-Hewitt, CRBFA Union President

Sherry Karcher-Hewitt, our current CRBFA Union President, has been a Speech Language Pathologist at Capital Region BOCES since 1989; currently working out of Schenectady, NY.


Dear friends & colleagues:

Congratulations on another great year. Your dedication shows, and I am proud to say that I work with such talented and passionate group. Together, we have achieved many successes this year and foresee many next year as well! We are moving forward and are forging positive relationships that will really continue to benefit us all. 

With that being said, as the summer begins, please be prepared for possibility of home visits by union-busters from organizations like “New Choice NY.” These individuals are often recruited from out-of-state and their message is for union members to drop union membership and “give yourself a pay raise.” They are also starting to message a divide and conquer approach of  “keep your local union, but what do you need your state and national unions for?” 

If one of these groups come knocking at your door, you know what to do:  send these busters stepping!

Studies already show that our members recognize the importance of our local association, as well as the good that NYSUT does, day-in and day-out. De-unionization really would create a “wild, wild west” scenario for all. If you hear talk otherwise, please play an active role and help educate our educators!

NYSUT members trained by our Member Organizing Institute will also be out doing home visits this summer. Our members will be wearing NYSUT apparel or hats and will have large blue NYSUT badges for easy identification. Let’s be nice to these folks!

The link below from the NYSUT website gives ideas on what members can say and do when they get home visits from anti-union groups. No need to be nice to these people.

 Thank you for your show of support and we will continue to represent you and do all that we can!

Please continue your good work and have a great summer!

P: 609-366-9060

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