Off-campus Updates from CRBFA President

Good morning,
I wanted to update you all with what is known, and reassure you about what remains unknown at this point. Central Administration has been keeping me informed of their efforts to coordinate our services going forward with the requirements from Governor Cuomo’s office, and that continues to evolve. Additionally efforts to meet not only the academic needs as best we can, but keep track of the nutritional and health concerns of our students, as well, are under construction. I am in continuing contact with Central Administration, as well as NYSUT, coordinating guidance and protections for staff.  Please check your email and Bert frequently for information as it becomes available.
Although it is not possible for us to meet face-to-face right now, I have discussed with the chapter VPs the need for Derek Lewis, our NYSUT Labor Relations Specialist,  to continue communication with the BOCES attorney centering around major topics of negotiations and to continue to solicit all necessary information for our consideration. I want to expressly say that no agreement will ever be reached or sanctioned without the input/review/discussion of the negotiations team, and ultimately you. I will keep you posted of any major developments as the situation throughout the state evolves and affects our scheduled calendar of negotiations, as it surely will, and I ask for your continued patience as we as a state and a nation are clearly in a place we have never been in our lifetime. 
I have long reiterated with all members that this is a road that we travel together, and though it seems impassable at the moment, we will stop, make repairs, and continue on the journey.  I am continuing to foster a good working relationship with administration that both answers the needs of students and staff, and protects you all at the same time.  The ways in which we will be asked to “stand and deliver” our services may change a bit in the coming days, but we can do this. If you have any questions or concerns along the way, do not hesitate to reach out to your Union…to me or to your Chapter VP. Please stay healthy all… that is the absolute first priority for you and your family.
In Solidarity,

P: 518-366-9060


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