Union Leadership Education Opportunities

February 2, 2021 Tuesday 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Union Leadership in a Virtual World

Kevin Grossman, Megan Rickard

A year ago, did you ever think “Zoom call” would be an everyday household phrase?  The pandemic has changed the way we communicate with each other, but the message of union solidarity is more important than ever.  Join us for this exciting training as we discuss different platforms and methods of communication, checklists for running an effective virtual union, and valuable techniques to mobilize and engage your membership in a changing world!

Register:  https://cvent.me/bVEqKk


February 11, 2021 Thursday 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Leave Requests Under FMLA and Other H.R. Type Scenarios

Katherine Kelleher, Ross Lieblich, Tom Sheraw

In most districts when a member encounters a lifetime event (pregnancy, parental leave, their own medical situation, caring for ailing parents, etc…) they turn to the administration for guidance.  In this workshop, you will learn how you can gain the skills to navigate leave requests under FMLA and other contractual leave provisions.  Both paid leave and unpaid leave options will be covered.  Knowledge of your own contractual leave language and policies will be necessary in order to participate fully.

Register:  https://cvent.me/rMwla1


March 4, 2021 Thursday 4:00pm-5:30pm.

The New Way of Operating Your Association: Incorporating Technology to Foster Communication and Best Practices When Conducting Union Business.

Ross Lieblich & Charlene Lanier

Local unions are increasingly utilizing electronic communication platforms and adopting procedures to safely engage the membership. This workshop will focus on the transition of incorporating new technology methods into your everyday Association tasks and activities. We will review the pros and cons of incorporating technology into activities such as membership meetings, new member registration, virtual elections and contract ratifications, surveys and membership information databases by way of web-based platforms and social networks. In addition, privacy and security considerations for your membership and union leadership will be discussed.

Register:  https://cvent.me/1PRv5a


April 15, 2021 Thursday 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

“Counseling Memos:  Piece of Paper to Throw away or Serious Problem?”

James Greene

No member enjoys being on the receiving end of a counseling memo.  Learn how to keep perspective and effectively manage both the District’s predictable overreaction and the member’s expectations in order resolve the conflict.  If time allows, there will also be questions/discussions regarding practical discipline process approaches.

Register:  https://cvent.me/9abgny

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